‘Nothing less than Scotland’s very own Anne Tyler.’
– Alan Bissett
Prizewinning author Cynthia Rogerson writes mainstream literary fiction set in Scotland and California. She is the author of five novels, one of which is under the pen name Addison Jones. She has also published a memoir and a collection of short stories. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies, been broadcast on BBC radio and translated into six languages.
She won the V.S.Pritchett Prize in 2008. Wait for Me, Jack was chosen as a Times top summer read. Love Letters from My Deathbed was longlisted for the Saltire Prize and the Sundial Prize. I Love You, Goodbye was shortlisted for Best Scottish Novel in 2011 and serialised on BBC Women’s Hour. Her memoir Wah! was shortlisted for the 2022 Highland Book Prize.
She holds a Royal Literary Fund Fellowship.
Rogerson also reviews new fiction for Northwords and other periodicals.
Originally from the San Francisco area, she’s been based in the Scottish Highlands since 1985, and lives with her husband, dog and cat near Inverness.